Author: LA

23, Jul 2024


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24, Oct 2023

Creating a Docker image with your code

With the dawn of containerization Some genius' figured out how to remove the bloat (operating system files, and misc) and platform incompatibility prone errors by transitioning from virtual machines
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29, Jul 2023

Setting up proper date and time

Setting up the proper date and time is essential if you don't want to slow down or even halt your service or application deployment on a new server or
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13, Jul 2023

Mysql Basics

Mysql Basics Database administration is a great skill to have on the side where it allows you to store a bevy amount of data on a computer using structured
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13, Jul 2023

Network Scanner

Network Scanner I believe the more you get into IT, the more paranoid you'll get haha.. To a healthy degree ;). Obtaining a report about your network infrastructure that
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2, Jul 2023

How to properly secure a server

Let's get started with why you should secure your server. Without properly securing your server you are prone to suffer from server and services outages, getting your website hijacked,
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